Friday, August 8, 2008

Satanic Pleasure.... Life gets.... In my Misery

Why does it always have to be this way.... Why cant I live Happily??? whenever I do something that pleases me.... Others are always disappointed... Sad but True... What Curse have I taken birth with... Something that makes me smile... makes others frown... Which in turn makes me Sad... makes me low... But if I fake a Smile... curbing my inner feelings... That makes other around Happy... This feels good from inside that I have been able to make someone Happy... But deep inside I know what it is like.... It feels like fish taken out of water... But in the end... the distress of the Fish makes someone smile... it feed the hungry stomach of what we call Human!!!
The Fish is still fortunate... It has to face the Pain only once in its lifetime... after which it no longer lives... Its free from all the Pain and the troubles.... But what about me??? I cant even end my life... Its not that I am too scared... but just the fact, it would go wasted.... wont be able to feed anyone's Hunger... Nor will it make any one happy....

Destiny has been written for me... It says that at every step you have to face troubles... I would be fine with that tooo... But again conditions Apply!!!! The ray of hope for happiness is always shown to me... The sweetness is tasted... but before I relish it... Its gone!!! Life teases me at every juncture... at every turn... at every point.... It gets some kind of Satanic Pleasure.... doesn't keep me in distress all the time.... gives me the false taste of hope and then gives a hard blow.... Maybe its my Karma in the past... or maybe the deeds of my present.... Deeds of my present... what Sin did I commit??? I just know of one... I tried to be Happy.... What a gruesome sin...

But thats the story of my life.... and I have no Option... But to accept it the way it is... Simple but too complex.... But Still I have a Hope... A False Hope.... the very reason of my Sanity.....


SmeaGollum said...

u definately need a vacation man!!!! come to cyprus :)
btw.. y so serious???

Anonymous said...

You can't please everyone, all the time..its impossible and foolish..if ur smile makes others frown then those ppl are not gud enough to be around you...One advice - It's a cruel world..STOP worrying abt others cuz its always abt u first. If u are happy then only u can make others happy..If u are sad and if that makes other happy then its jus cruel on other person's part..they are not ur friends or well wishers. Get rid of such ppl. Life is a bitch..and as they say the best use of a bitch is to $%^&*(*&..I read it somewhr.." when u expect a ferrari and life gives u a donkey..RIDE IT" Hope is something that keeps us alive..its never false..Hope will lead you to your destiny.. Hope is between the spaces of that broken dream and a new start. Hope subsumes a lot many desires in their very own form. Uncertain like life, with its own course, but you grappling with the steering at all times, unsure of what’s going to happen, but knowing the general direction.

Kunal Gondalia said...

Well thought... :)
but again you ever you said about is answered in the post "The Illusion called happiness" :D