Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nothing... The only thing...

Those Eyes looked at me... with so much hope... so much love.... so much to tell me.... So much sorrow... so much pain... so much happiness....
But there I was .... all I could do is... Nothing.... I wanted to say so many things ... but was just afraid.... Afraid of what I do not know... and do not understand...
The presence lasted for just few moments.. in which the entire life had to be lived.... Time just passed by so quickly.... How I wish I could stop time... or maybe travel back in time... But I am just human... too weak....
I don't know what I am doing....But am still doing it.... What I am doing.. is it right??? And even if its right... do I think really believe that its the right thing to do???
Those Eyes are haunting me... I just cant take them out of my mind... I saw the hunger... the desperation... The Fear of Separation.... There was so much that I wanted to do... but failed... I was the one who could make everything change... In fact the only one... But still I layed there so powerless... so feeble.... so weak!
What does Life have in store for me??? Why is it playing such a game??? I am going through hell... but its the smile that you will always find... What an Irony... More the pain... broader is the smile.... Tears are just so hard to find....
Why does it have to be this way... Why does it have to be so painful... Being in control of everything.... Still I am in no Control what so ever... Why cant people understand me??? Why don't they realize what I am going through???
Sacrifice thats whats been the outstanding quality of the Indian culture!!! Yes thats where the problem is... SACRIFICE.... what a small word... and used with so much pride... we have been taught from centuries.... to sacrifice.... sacrifice your love... your feeling... your life... That will make you a good human!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA..... killing ones emotions makes one a good human.... But what about the torture that we deliver upon ourselves... does that not count count.... We are hurting some one... aren't we??? But that someone is no one else... its your own self!!! But hey thats how it goes... cause thats what we are taught.... and all we do is follow it... without questioning it.....
Its a sad situation.... in this sacrifice... what have I gained??? Nothing...
What has those innocent eyes gained??? Nothing....
And what is the purpose of my Life now??? Nothing....
And what is the purpose of the innocent eyes now??? Nothing....

Yeah the Emptiness... and thats what it is.... NOTHING!!!.... The Only thing....

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