Monday, December 17, 2007

Its all about the Money Honey

Sometimes I just wonder... What do I really want? Do I really need money? or do I need peace of Mind? But if there is no money... I cant buy anything... But again its said that money can buy you a bed but cant buy sleep... But can you sleep when you have an empty stomach?

Money is the root of all Evil.. but I beg to differ... Money is a necessary Evil... You have money people bow to you... no matter how much ever they hate you! If you have money people will start loving you too...
"Wow he is so rich & yet down to earth... and he loves you so much... I think he is best you can get... He is doing so much for you... he buys you such expensive gifts.... etc etc etc..."
What the F***??? Nowadays your love will be respected and appreciated only if have the M power.... If you love someone.... you have to buy expensive gifts.... Hahaha... Who says money cant buy Love?????

If you want to get Married... You need a bank balance.... Isn't that a pity.... Marriage is just a business deal.... and nothing else.... Gone are the days... when the person mattered .. Now Money matters.... "Paisa fek tamasha dekh! "

I feel so Angry... But the anger will have no effect... Why??? Cause for that also you need Money!! What the F***... For acknowledgment of your expression also you need money!!!!
What has the world become??? A place where everything sells.... Survival of the Fittest... errrrrrrr... Richest!!!

Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money ..... Thats what is needed Honey!

1 comment:

Raka said...

Its not all about Money, honey...depends on how u perceive things...attitude hone ko mangta hain.... paisa is a by-product dost.....